Thursday, December 25, 2008

International Gymnast Magazine Interview

Interview: Kyle Shewfelt (CAN)

Happy Holidays

Just a quick note to wish everyone a holiday that is overflowing with laughter, hugs, joy, smiles, happiness and love...oh, and wine too!

I am in such a grand place right now. I don't think I have ever felt such a sense of contentment, balance and positive perspective. Hawaii was brilliant (I think that's my new favourite word)! I just might need to retire I too young to become a snow bird?

While I was away, I did a lot of reflecting and I just feel a real sense of ease at the moment. Everything is exactly as it should be. I have a lot to be thankful for. I need to inject each day with some fun! Living in the moment is so essential. Making a difference in the lives of others gives us the greatest sense of meaning in our own individual lives. Giving yourself a gift everyday is important as well, whether it be a workout, a massage, a meaningful conversation or some time to just breathe and slow it all down. It's so easy to get caught up in the blender of the world, spin out of control and forget what's important.

I have been trying to do some serious soul searching and get a grasp on my vision for the future. We sometimes think we know what we really want, but it turns out to be what we think we 'should' want. I don't want to fall victim to that. I don't want to feel obligated to go in a certain direction because it makes sense. I want to make sure that I live my life with intention, purpose, passion and authenticity.

I want to continually grow, evolve, learn and question.

I believe that 2009 is going to be a BRILLIANT year!

Stay tuned for some mind boggling posts. I'm on a rampage to make a difference in the world!
