Monday, January 23, 2012

Exploring life through the lens of...

In Anusara yoga, there is a concept of focusing on a single phrase or word during your practice. Doing this allows you to stay centred and focused while on your mat. It also allows you to go on a path of self-discovery as you explore how things are affected when you approach them through the lens of __________.

My ________ word for this week is "kindness".

Not only will I be exploring my yoga practice through the lens of kindness, but I am also going to explore all aspects of my life through this lens. It will be as if I'm wearing a pair of magic sunglasses and the only attitude I can approach the world with is one of kindness.

  • When I send an email or converse on the phone, I am going to do it with kindness.
  • When I talk to myself inside my head, I am going to be kind (This will be a real challenge as I can be pretty harsh to myself inside my head…)
  • When I run, I am going to try and be conscious of taking each step with a sense of kindness.
  • When I eat my cereal in the morning, I am going to do it with kindness (Not too sure what that experience will look like, but I'm hoping it's meditative and enjoyable ;) )
  • When I walk Cooper, I am going to fully approach it through the lens of kindness. If he pulls a little bit; rather than get frustrated and try to gain control, I am going explore how I can be more kind in discipling him. Then I will move on.
  • When I interact with anyone, whether it's the grocery store clerk, the cashier at a coffee shop or with Kristin, I am going to open my heart to radiate kindness.

The reason I am doing this practice, this week in particular, is because I came to the realization that I can be quite controlling and when I get frustrated or stressed out. The anxiety that comes along with that can come across as anger and harshness. I don't like I'm projecting that and I want to change it. I want to be softer and more accepting. 

I think that this is an exercise that, for so many reasons, can be very beneficial to anyone. Firstly, a focal point allows us to feel centred. It's the whole philosophy surrounding meditation - always return to the breath. Having a blissful place to land when things begin to spin out of control is good for the heart and soul (and your blood pressure). Secondly, it's an exercise that can help develop self-awareness. I am firm believer that we, as humans, should always be aiming to learn, improve and evolve ourselves and this can help us reach a higher level of consciousness. Lastly, the world that surrounds you will be uplifted because of your choice to evoke something really positive into the air. Doing good things is always a good thing... 

So, now it's your turn: What lens will you explore this next hour, day or week through?

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