Monday, June 28, 2010

Community Garden

Kristin and I took on another project recently (we like projects! Or maybe I like them and then I boss her around to do them with me ;) ). We got our very own urban garden plot from Community Crop. Community Crop is a not for profit organization in Calgary that provides gardening opportunities to people living in urban communities.

I have always loved gardens and the taste of fresh vegetables! I can remember being a little boy and going to Manitoba where my Auntie Betty had the most amazing garden I have ever experienced. It was always such a special treat being able to eat carrots with a little bit of dirt on them. Yum.

The process of growing something is really important to me right now. I guess it's quite reflective of the stage of life I'm in. This garden is giving me a lot of comfort right now and it is serving as a reminder that once you plant a seed you must water it everyday, be patient and it will grow. It's a simple process, but I think we often take for granted the importance of organically letting things unfold. In our culture, the culture of NOW, it's hard to be patient while waiting for something delicious to grow. This garden is reminding me that some of the yummiest things need time and care. The longer you wait, the bigger the vegetable and the richer the flavour!

Of course, we got the plot a little late in the season (we lucked out because someone gave theirs up last minute and we were on a waiting list) so we had to buy some pre-planted veggies, but there are some that are germinating right now.

Here is what we'll have in the end:

Green Onion
Green Pepper
Yellow Pepper
Cherry Tomatoes
Japaleno Pepper
and possibly acorn squash and a baby watermelon if everything works out!

"Did the tomatoes grow?" is the first question I ask Kristin everyday. What can I say, I'm a little OCD, but we all knew that.

Gardens are FUN! ]

Grow baby grow,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go, community gardening, go!